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Liberty Max Testimonials

April 25th, 2019 - Infection from blister on foot


Kay's grandson was in Vegas on June 2nd 2018 and of course from all the walking got a blister on his foot. He cut this huge blister open and shortly after it got infected.
The grandma wanted to help him with the Liberty Max product but he refused. It got so bad that he couldn't work anymore for months. After doctors wanted to do surgery, he came to grandma for advice. Starting March 25th 2019 every day she made him soak his foot in Liberty Max solution 3x daily, infrared light for 30 days and soaking again every night with Liberty Max. 30 days later on April 25th 2019 the sore has healed immensely as you can see. His wound care people are very impressed with the progress. Kay and her grandson are very happy and grateful for the help of Liberty Max and can he can finally return to work after 3 months.


























Sebaceous Cyst - Staph Infection

I have been in a wheelchair for over 15 years. In December 2008 I started having
issues with pressure spots/sores. They start as sebaceous cysts then break open as
staph infection. The method of care has been to cover with antibiotic ointment and/or
silver infused gauze. I was also instructed to sit in my chair for a maximum of two
hours then off for the same amount of time, but even doing this the two
spots were extremely problematic. Despite two years of using the care described
above, the sore grew to be quite large the only option was to undergo surgery to close
it. I stayed in the hospital in a Clinitron bed from Dec 5th, 2010 until Feb 3rd, 2011.
After the surgery I could still only sit for two hours and would then need to lay down
so no pressure would be on the sore. This was extremely frustrating; I could no
longer work. The second problem area is a pilonidal sinus located on the right side of
my buttock for this area I did not undergo any type of surgery however I needed to
follow a pressure release routine to keep it slightly manageable. When the pineal
sinus would start to fill, I was instructed to sit in my chair for only one hour at a time
with two hours bed rest at the minimum in between, and would take up to four weeks
to rectify. With these two problem areas and the fact that staph infection was always
present, I was extremely ill. I had little to no energy, no appetite and was literally
wasting away. This was extremely debilitating as I have two small children and was
working full time to support them. I was introduced to Liberty Max Antimicrobial
on a test basis by a friend and neighbor whose son had found it extremely successful
at killing the bacteria that was causing odor in his prosthetic. He also said it worked
extremely well for healing and preventing sores that occurred as a result of his
prosthetic leg. Almost immediately after I started using Liberty Max Antimicrobial
I saw improvements. The regular use of Liberty Max has been a life saver for me.
The staph infections that held me down for well over two years are no longer in
control of my life! I control them with Liberty Max Antimicrobial!
Yes, the pilonidal sinus does flare up from time to time as the tissue surrounding it is
damaged and broken down. However, with the use of Liberty Max Antimicrobial
recovery time has been limited to a couple days. The difference Liberty Products
have made is nothing short of amazing. I use very little pressure release compared to
spending the majority of my time on bed rest. The swelling and drainage is minimal
and no longer does it cause me to be so violently ill that I cannot eat.
I am a single mom, who is again able to provide for her children independently and

with the help of Liberty Products I never miss a soccer game or bed time story. In
fact, I have just taken my first real holiday in years. Simply said, since I began to use
Liberty Products, my health, freedom and overall value of my life has been greatly
enhanced. I can spend the time with my children instead of in a bed, but also because
my overall health is better I am an active participant in my life. I feel truly blessed to
have found this product.
Okay 3 years ago I was so sick I was unable to leave my bed for more than 1 hour
due to infection and pressure sores. Then I discovered Liberty Products and
everything changed! I feel so good and have a lot more energy this year, I decided to
take my kids camping!! Of course there are natural hazards whilst camping as well as
some self-inflicted. Needless to say I managed to scrape the scar on my thigh where I
had surgery 3 years ago to remedy a huge pressure sore. In the past a wound such as
this would take months to heal with constant bed rest, numerous antibacterial salves,
dressings, antibiotics and a lot of frustration when the wound grows in size or depth
before finding what works to heal it....and combating the infections that are
inevitable, especially in the woods.
One week later and the wound is covered by fresh new skin and the redness is fading
away. Why? Because I use Liberty Cuts and Scrapes that's why! I cannot wait to go
camping again this summer.
Update: since being introduced to Liberty Products a little under a year ago I am
now staph free in my body and have gained 4 clothing sizes (from size 0/1 to a now
4/5) not only do I feel 100% better I also get to go shopping




Infections, Eye Care

I have been using Liberty Max Antimicrobial spray for many years to treat any infections I have
had including fungal infections in areas were sweating is a problem with excellent results within a
few applications of the spray.
Recently I started using Liberty Life Eye Care for a problem of Scummy Eye lids causing blurred
vision. From the first application it has worked every time. Often first thing in morning it's needed
for me, then occasionally later in the day. Just a couple of shots in each eye and I can see like I
should. Thanks for this simple fix for a problem I have had for months.
Jim S.



Asthma, Rashes, Acne, Wounds, Scratches, Veggie Wash

I started using Liberty Max now about 6 weeks ago. My 8 year old son has Asthma
since he was three and he happened to have a bad asthma attack the beginning of
September and he had to spend a couple nights in the hospital. Pretty scary when you
see your son breathing that difficult even after they gave him so much medication. I
heard from Manuela Wachter that I should use this product in a ultrasonic mist
humidifier and that that would help with his Asthma. Because I like to try anything
natural I put a humidifier beside his bed and let it run during the night. I mix the
Liberty Max with reverse osmosis water. Miracle was in those 6 weeks I only had to
give him Ventolin once. Normally he would sound wheezy in the morning, but now
his lungs sound nice and clear. I'm so happy I found this product and I'll keep you
posted how it goes with him a couple months from now.
I found out that sells a range of health care product that are good for
healing wound, acne and rashes. I started to use them on my 14 year old daughter for
the rash on her inner arms, which she had since she was little. As soon as she sprays
it on the itchy feeling disappeared and the next morning her skin was not red anymore
and it's gone within a couple day. The same with wounds and scratches. It heals fast
and nice.
I also use their Naturally Hygienic Food Sanitizer product to clean my fruit and
veggies which cleans and makes them last longer. Spread the word and start using
this product. It is amazing.




Blisters, Odors, Sores and more

I have tried the Liberty Max Antimicrobial product and it is absolutely amazing! I
have gone through 4 bottles already, it just continues to amaze me, so I use it on
The number of ways I have used is unreal, and it works every time. I first got a
sample bottle from my prosthesis to heal some open very painful blisters I get from
my prosthetic leg. After spraying the area 3x that first day, I was amazed that it had
almost completely healed the next day!! By the second day you would never had
known there was even a rash or blister, gone just like that! I was hooked and started
using it on all kinds of problems.
Here is a list of things it healed or solved. Prosthetic related sores and odors, surface
sanitizer, eczema, acne, open wound on my dog, in my dogs ears, bug bites, cuts and
cat scratches, numerous open wounds, shoe odors, under my wig, for a sinus
infection, and as a hand sanitizer when I did not have water. It does NOT sting, it is
odorless, tasteless, and stainless. I highly recommend that everyone in my RTS
family order this product as the benefits are absolutely essential. It can be ordered
in Canada, U.S., and in Europe that I know of but definitely contact the website to
see how to order yours.
Leanne. S.




Bruising Swelling Pain

On August 10, 2013 I sprained my ankle pretty badly in a downhill mountain biking
fall. Sadly, the fall occur very early on in the ride and I had about 8kms of “hike and
bike” to get myself back to our vehicle. Needless to say, the remaining kilometer of
this trail exacerbated my injury immensely; I was completely unable to walk the
next morning and was legitimately concerned that I had broken something.
Fortunately, although some would say a sprain is often worse, I did not have any broken bones.
When I looked at my ankle on this morning I knew that I was in for a long recovery haul and
expected the bruising to continue to develop.
Being an entrepreneur, with significant responsibilities for two small family
businesses, taking time off work was not an option. I regularly attend farmer’s markets

to do retail sales of bison products, which involves a lot of movement and carrying of
heavy product, not to mention the task of setting up a temporary outdoor market stall.
On the Wednesday after the injury, August 14, I attended a market
for about 8 hours in a splint (basically a half cast that slid on the
back of my calf, covered my foot, and held on by a tensor bandage).

I hobbled around all day and when I got home to remove the splint my foot
was extremely black, purple, yellow, and swollen – this was just the outside
appearance, the pain was enough to let some tears slide. I knew I had to try
Liberty Max Antimicrobial that my brother had sent for me and insisted it
would help me. Immediately upon putting my foot into Liberty Max
Antimicrobial, I felt a tingling sensation through my foot and within twenty
minutes the severe discoloration had subsided remarkably. The swelling from the
day events had gone down to a level consistent with the injury had I been resting
rather than working on my feet – I was seriously amazed!
The following morning, Thursday, August 15, the bruising had changed significantly from the
day before and I was able to walk without my splint for the first time since the
injury – pretty impressive considering what I put myself through the day prior! I
continue to use Liberty Max Antimicrobial, approximately 6 weeks post-injury whenever I feel tender or sore in
my ankle from the day events. It is an immediate and consistent healer!
Thank you Liberty Max Antimicrobial!



Infection Control, (Foot Care) United States Army

I have heard back from the field trials. I sent samples to three soldiers, two in Afghanistan
and one in Korea.
I have yet to receive trial results from the Korean soldier as field time there is not as
common and not as rigorous. However, conditions can be very damp during week-long
field tests, and he agreed to test the products effectiveness against immersion foot in
upcoming exercises.
The response from the soldiers in Afghanistan is very positive. In fact, they could not say
enough positive things about it. They have both reported that the size of the 100mL
bottles is very convenient and can be carried easily in their gear. Bacterial infection is a
major threat to US troops in Afghanistan. My test subjects stated that it is invaluable to
have a disinfecting product at the ready in the Afghan countryside. One of their troops fell
in an irrigation ditch and swallowed a bit of the irrigation water and exposed an open cut
to the water. Due to the bacteria found in the Afghan irrigation water, this is usually
enough for a US soldier in a remote unit to be sent out of country for recovery from the
illnesses and infections that ensue. Liberty Max was immediately applied in this case, and
no infection developed in the open cuts and after swallowing some Liberty Max, the
soldier was only put on sick call for a few days and remained with his unit. The ability to
disinfect immediately was invaluable in this case.
Additionally, the Afghan soldiers raved about its effectiveness at keeping their feet
healthy. They spoke very positively towards its effectiveness against blisters and bacteria
accumulation in their boots. They are in the south of the country where the climate is very
dry, and thus immersion foot an unlikely ailment. However, one agreed to go on a four day
patrol without changing socks and only applying Liberty Max. This is normally a big no in
the Army, but after four days his feet were fine and nearly completely odor-free.
The trials continue, but all three agree that the product is invaluable for soldiers and a
necessary addition to every soldier's kit.
I continue with producing my marketing materials. Unfortunately, other ventures have
kept me quite busy lately, but I will forward them to you when they are complete for



Odor, Wound Treatment

My aunt Regina Ruetz uses your product for her wound on her amputated leg. She loves
the Liberty Max Antimicrobial perspiration spray to help with the smell. Your customer
service is amazing. Thank you for taking care of her!
Susan McKay


My Doctor here in Hamilton Ontario gave me a brochure about your product Liberty Max
Antimicrobial. I ordered the Product and had trouble getting the payment through. Bob
called me and was very nice about the whole thing. He fixed the problem and got back to
me right away. The Product is now on the way, and I am super excited to receive it. I will
let you know as soon as I have it that it works. My Doctor has used it for other patients and
they swear by it. Thank you for inventing Liberty Max Antimicrobial.
Regina Ruetz



Sore spots, Swelling, Blisters

Dear Sir/Mam I am a double amputee and for the past 10 years have given my
prosthesis’s a rough time from sports and over use of my legs. At work I’ve
developed many sore spots and have encountered much pain. This product is the
BOMB, it’s awesome. I don’t have a Credit card, however I live in red deer not far
from Innisfail and if I could buy some directly it would be appreciated.
Awesome stuff!!!!
Thanks John Cornish
AASRA life Time Member
2011 Canada Games Para Nordic Skier



Infection Control, Recovering (Knee Replacement)

I had a total knee replacement in September 2014. I started using Liberty Max
Antimicrobial the first day after surgery and applied throughout the day every day for
4 months. Great results. No infection and very little scarring great pain control. As
you can see in the photo the area above the bending joint area is just a fine line now
at 8 months. Nice!!
Thanks Liberty
Jim Boyce



Wounds, Eczema

Dr. Williams mentioned Liberty Max to me during a telephone consult prior to the
date of the attached correspondence. She had an amputee patient that had told her of
his success using Liberty Max to combat minor wounds and difficulties on his
residual limb.
I have experienced great progress with wound care using Liberty Max on my right
residual limb which has a chronic wound.
Of note, Liberty Max has provided an additional benefit to me, as using Liberty
Max on my hands, has virtually resolved a repetitive eczema breakout that occurs on
my hands.
I have other references to the use of Liberty Max on my WorkSafeBC file and
Liberty Max is supplied to me by WorkSafeBC as part of the treatment and
maintenance protocol for healing and maintaining healthy skin tissue on my stumps.
David Dobinson


Knee replacement photo.PNG
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